Sunday, June 2, 2024

Meghan Markle isn’t concerned about lack of popularity in UK, prioritizing brand growth in America

Meghan Markle Unbothered by Low Popularity in UK, Focuses on Brand in America: PR Expert

The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, seems unfazed by her low popularity in the UK as she focuses on building her brand in America, according to a public relations guru. Despite being ranked as the fourth most-disliked celebrity in a recent poll by Ranker, which garnered nearly 400,000 votes, Meghan is reportedly not bothered by the negative feedback.

Lynn Carratt from Press Box PR shared insights on Meghan’s reaction to the poll results, highlighting that the Duchess may prioritize her popularity in the US over winning back British public approval. With 65% of respondents expressing dislike towards Meghan and only 4% showing very positive feelings, her net approval rating saw a significant decline in recent months.

The expert suggested that Meghan is more concerned with establishing her brand, American Rivera Orchard, and securing success in her new home country. While Prince Harry may hold onto his British heritage and seek to mend relationships with his homeland, Meghan appears focused on her American ventures. The couple’s recent visit to Nigeria reportedly boosted their confidence, as they were celebrated in the country, highlighting their growing international popularity.

As the Sussexes navigate their post-royal life, their contrasting priorities may lead to tensions, especially if their foreign engagements continue to mirror royal tours. Despite facing criticism from traditional royal supporters, Meghan and Harry seem determined to forge their path and strengthen their global presence.

Overall, Meghan Markle’s resilience in the face of public scrutiny showcases her commitment to personal growth and brand development, setting the stage for a dynamic chapter in the Sussexes’ post-royal journey.

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