Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police Française à la recherche de ‘La Mouche’ Après une Évasion Mortelle d’un Fourgon de Prison

Manhunt for Fugitive Gangster “The Fly” in Northern France Following Deadly Prison Break

The manhunt for a fugitive gangster dubbed “The Fly” escalated in northern France as hundreds of police officers spread out in a massive search following a violent prison van attack that left two guards dead.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin vowed to capture the armed gang, highlighting the unprecedented resources being deployed including assistance from foreign countries. A staggering 450 officers were dispatched to the Eure region where the attack occurred.

The dramatic assault prompted thousands of prison guards across France to stage a symbolic 24-hour shutdown of jails in solidarity with their fallen colleagues. Right-wing politicians criticized the government’s handling of drug crime, with Bruno Retailleau warning of a path to “Mexicanisation” due to porous prisons and rampant drug trafficking.

Far-right politician Marion Marechal echoed these sentiments, describing the situation as resembling a third-world country. Known as Mohamed Amra, “The Fly” is a 30-year-old fugitive involved in drug trafficking, according to police sources.

The attack coincided with the release of a Senate report on drug trafficking in France, which cited a “tipping point” in rising violence. The report recommended the creation of a French equivalent to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to combat a multi-billion euro national drug trade.

As the manhunt for “The Fly” intensifies, France grapples with the implications of escalating gang violence and the need for decisive action to combat organized crime.

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