Myanmar violence escalates, Brazil praised for refugee response, Baháí believers detained in Yemen – World News Summary

UN Spokesperson expresses deep concern over escalating violence in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships

The United Nations has issued a dire warning about the escalating violence and destruction in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships in Myanmar, with tens of thousands of civilians, mostly Rohingya, being displaced due to renewed violence and property destruction. The Myanmar military has been accused of stoking tensions between different ethnic groups, leading to a critical period where the risk of further atrocities is particularly high.

In Rakhine’s capital, Sittwe, reports of food and cash shortages, soaring market prices, water scarcity, and the spread of waterborne diseases have emerged, with humanitarian assistance and essential services being severely impacted. The UN has called on all military and political leaders to de-escalate tensions and prevent the repetition of past human rights violations in the region.

Additionally, Brazil’s refugee response has received praise from a senior UNHCR official for its inclusive policies towards refugees, focusing on protection and finding solutions for those in need. However, Mr. Mazou’s visit coincided with heavy rains and floods in the south of Brazil, affecting over two million people, including more than 100 fatalities and leaving 43,000 refugees in need of international protection.

In Yemen, rights experts have called for the urgent release of five individuals belonging to the Baháí faith who were abducted by de facto authorities one year ago. The experts have highlighted the targeted persecution of religious minorities in the country, particularly by the Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthis, with concerns about torture and pressure to recant religious beliefs. The experts have also raised concerns about hate speech against minorities, exacerbating the situation.

The situation in these regions highlights the urgent need for action to protect civilians, provide humanitarian assistance, and address human rights violations to prevent further suffering and displacement.

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