Federal authorities claim that a U.S. citizen plotted with North Korean IT workers to breach 300 U.S. companies and secure remote tech positions

“Arizona woman accused of conspiring with North Korea to get U.S. remote telework posts”

Arizona Woman Charged in Scheme to Illegally Procure Remote IT Jobs for North Korean Government

In a shocking revelation, federal prosecutors have accused an Arizona woman, Christina Chapman, of collaborating with individuals connected to the North Korean government to unlawfully secure remote telework positions with U.S. companies. The elaborate scheme involved stealing the identities of American citizens and using these false identities to obtain employment at American corporations, as stated in charging documents.

Chapman, along with North Korean IT workers Jiho Han, Chunji Jin, Haoran Xu, and others, reportedly utilized the identities of over 60 U.S. residents to generate nearly $7 million for the North Korean government from more than 300 U.S. companies. Some of the affected companies were prominent Fortune 500 corporations, including a major TV network, a defense company, and an automobile manufacturer.

The investigation further revealed that Chapman even utilized laptop computers issued to her co-conspirators under false pretenses to create the illusion that they were located within the U.S. She also allegedly operated a “laptop farm” in an unsuccessful attempt to secure employment for some of the workers at U.S. government agencies.

Han, Jin, and Xu are reportedly affiliated with North Korea’s Munitions Industry Department, which deals with ballistic missile and weapons production. They are accused of collaborating with Chapman to funnel the illegitimate funds back into North Korea.

Following her arrest in Phoenix, Chapman is now facing serious charges. Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, emphasized the significance of the case, calling it a wakeup call for American companies and government agencies employing remote IT workers. The crimes allegedly benefitted the North Korean government by providing them with revenue and potentially stolen proprietary information.

This scandal highlights the dangers of illicit collaborations and the need for heightened vigilance in vetting remote workers for U.S. corporations. Stay tuned for further developments in this evolving case.

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