Sunday, July 7, 2024

World media criticizes Biden-Trump debate as resembling a reality show

International Reactions to the US Presidential Debate: A Global Perspective

The recent US presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump has sparked intense reactions from media outlets around the world. International media have characterized the debate as resembling a reality show, with both candidates facing criticism for their performances.

Pundits from various countries, including China, India, Russia, Israel, Latin America, and Turkey, have weighed in on the debate, highlighting different aspects of the candidates’ performances. From Trump’s attacks on Biden’s handling of the Ukraine war to Biden’s struggles with verbal slip-ups and freezes, media across the globe have not held back in their scrutiny.

In China, satirical cartoons depict a fierce battle between the two candidates, while Indian media highlight Trump’s aggression and Biden’s shaky performance. Russian media speculate on Biden’s mental and physical fitness, and Israeli outlets focus on Trump’s pro-Israel stance and criticisms of Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict.

Latin American media describe the debate as tense, with Trump succeeding in stoking doubts about Biden’s age and health. Turkish media criticize Biden’s poor performance, leading to panic among Democrats, with many predicting a new “Trump era.”

Overall, the global reaction to the US presidential debate reflects the high stakes and intense scrutiny surrounding the upcoming election. From concerns about candidates’ physical and mental fitness to their policy positions and handling of international crises, media outlets worldwide offer a range of perspectives on the debate and its implications for the future.

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