The US-China Conflict Reemerges Across Trade, Technology, and Defense and Is Here to Stay | Global News

The US-China Conflict: A Deeply Adversarial Relationship With No End in Sight

The US-China conflict is back and here to stay, as US President Joe Biden announced new tariffs on Chinese imports, intensifying the ongoing trade war between the two nations. In a press conference at the White House, Biden accused China of unfair trade practices, including heavy subsidization of key industries and stealing technology through cyber espionage.

The new tariffs, ranging from 25% on steel and aluminum to 100% on electric vehicles made in China, are aimed at protecting American businesses and workers from being outcompeted by Chinese companies. They also serve to prepare the American industry for the transition to green and emerging tech sectors, reducing dependence on a single geography.

Despite recent engagements between the US and China at high levels, the overall relationship remains deeply adversarial. The US has publicly accused China of aiding Russia in the conflict in Ukraine and has intensified efforts to strengthen deterrence against China in East Asia. Additionally, the US has imposed strict export restrictions on high-end tech products, preventing China from gaining a strategic advantage in national security.

The conflict between the US and China is not just about trade, but extends to strategic, technology, and political domains. Both Republicans and Democrats in the US see standing up to China as a priority, with each side accusing the other of being too lenient or too aggressive in their approach. As the US heads into a presidential election year, it is clear that the conflict with China is deep, bipartisan, and structural, and is likely to persist regardless of the outcome of the election.

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