The Role of Putin’s Allies in Russia’s Disruption of the US-Dominated Global System

Allies Helping Russia Upend the US-Led World Order

Headline: How Putin’s Friends are Helping Russia Upend the US-Led World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent trip to China is highlighting the growing ties between the two nations, challenging the efforts by the US and its allies to isolate Russia in the wake of the Ukraine invasion. The warm relationship between Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping has led to booming trade and increasing defense coordination, showcasing a network of states that are helping Russia upend the US-led world order.

Despite facing sweeping sanctions, asset freezes, and exclusion from financial systems like SWIFT, Russia has found allies in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, India, Brazil, Hungary, and South Africa. These nations have supported Russia in various ways, from diplomatic partnerships to economic agreements and military cooperation, all aimed at challenging the dominance of Western powers.

China, Russia’s most powerful ally, has been a key partner in challenging the US-led order. The two countries have deepened their ties in trade, military cooperation, and international diplomacy, presenting a united front against the US at forums like the United Nations Security Council.

Saudi Arabia, a major player in the global oil market, has aligned with Russia through the OPEC+ alliance, helping to shape global oil prices and maximize revenue for both nations. Despite international criticism, Saudi Arabia has maintained its relationship with Russia, seeking support and economic benefits from the partnership.

Turkey, Iran, India, Brazil, Hungary, and South Africa have also found common cause with Russia, whether through energy partnerships, military cooperation, or shared geopolitical interests. These countries provide Russia with diplomatic support, economic opportunities, and strategic alliances, helping to counter the isolation efforts by the US and its allies.

Even countries like North Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Venezuela, and Cuba have maintained ties with Russia, showcasing the widespread support for Putin’s regime despite international condemnation.

As the US and its allies continue to pressure Russia with sanctions and diplomatic isolation, Putin’s friendships around the world are proving to be a resilient shield against efforts to remove Russia from the international stage. The growing network of countries supporting Russia’s agenda is reshaping the global order, challenging the traditional power structures dominated by Western nations.

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