The international community must prioritize Syrians’ right to return

The Urgent Need for Syrians’ Right to Return: A Global Priority

The Syrian refugee crisis continues to be a global issue that demands urgent attention from the international community. Since 2011, more than 14 million Syrians have been displaced, with many facing dire conditions as refugees in neighboring countries. The lack of stability and access to basic services in these host countries has left Syrian refugees in a state of vulnerability and despair.

The situation is particularly dire in Lebanon, which hosts the largest number of refugees per capita. The government estimates 1.5 million Syrian refugees living in the country, with 90 percent of them depending on humanitarian aid to survive. In Jordan and Turkiye, Syrian households are struggling to make ends meet, with high levels of debt and limited access to essential resources.

Despite the immense challenges faced by Syrian refugees, there has been a noticeable lack of international support and action to address their plight. The Syrian regime’s use of barrel bombs and indiscriminate violence has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, including children. The implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2139, which would hold perpetrators of these crimes accountable, has been lacking.

It is time for the international community to prioritize the right of Syrian refugees to return to their homeland in safety and security. The current approach of managing despair with aid distribution is no longer sufficient. The Syrian people deserve the opportunity to rebuild their lives and communities without the constant threat of violence and suffering.

As the world remains silent on the plight of Syrian refugees, it is essential to advocate for their right to return and rebuild their lives in their own land. The resilience of the Syrian people should be met with support from the global community to ensure a sustainable and peaceful future for all those affected by the conflict.

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