Testing New AI Camera Technology in US Schools to Prevent School Shootings

Can AI Cameras Stop School Shootings? US Schools Test New Technology

In an effort to combat the rising number of school shootings in the United States, lawmakers in Kansas are considering implementing AI-powered camera systems to detect firearms on school grounds. Developed by ZeroEyes, a firm founded by military veterans, this technology would send alerts for human verification by former law enforcement and military personnel before notifying authorities.

The proposal comes after a concerning increase in school shootings, with 2021, 2022, and 2023 all recording the highest numbers since at least 2008. In 2023 alone, there were at least 82 incidents, with 46 fatalities in 2022. To address this issue, Kansas may offer up to $5 million in grants to equip schools with these AI-backed cameras, pending approval by Governor Laura Kelly and meeting specific criteria.

Inspired by the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, ZeroEyes’ technology is currently the only one to qualify for similar state firearm detection programs in Michigan and Utah. Legislation has also been passed in Florida and Iowa, with proposals underway in other states like Colorado, Louisiana, and Wisconsin. Missouri recently approved funding for schools to purchase ZeroEyes’ AI system.

With school safety becoming an increasing concern in the wake of high-profile shootings like the Virginia Tech massacre and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, these AI camera systems are being touted as a potential solution for early threat detection and prevention. However, the legislation in Kansas is still awaiting approval by the governor.

The technology works by using existing security cameras to scan live video feeds for any signs of firearms. If a possible firearm is detected, technicians in the ZeroEyes Operations Center quickly verify the image and alert school administrators and law enforcement within seconds, providing crucial details about the suspected shooters and their location.

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