Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, reveals his favorite foods in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru

Insights from Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Favorite Indian Dishes, Deep Understanding, and Breaking Free from Competitive Exam Mindset

Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently shared some insights into his personal life, including his favorite Indian dishes and his approach to success during an interview with Varun Mayya, founder of Aeos company.

When asked about his favorite Indian food, Pichai highlighted specific dishes from different metro cities in India. In Bengaluru, he enjoys having Dosa, in Delhi, he prefers Chole Bhature, and in Mumbai, he likes to indulge in Pav Bhaji.

Pichai also delved into the concept of success, emphasizing the importance of understanding things deeply. He referenced a scene from the popular Bollywood movie “3 Idiots,” where the character defines the meaning of a motor. Pichai used this example to emphasize the difference between simply describing something and truly understanding it.

Furthermore, he addressed the competitive exam mindset, particularly among FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) applicants, suggesting that real success comes from gaining a profound understanding of the subject matter.

Overall, Pichai’s discussion on his favorite Indian dishes and his thoughts on achieving success provided a unique glimpse into his personal and professional philosophies.

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