Russian nationalism poses a growing threat to Europe

The Return of Russian Neo-Revisionism: A Threat to European Security

The Rise of Neo-Revisionism: A Threat to European Security

In a recent speech on defense in Brussels, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, issued a stark warning about the evolving security landscape in Europe. He emphasized the shift from being surrounded by a “ring of friends” to a “ring of fire” encircling the continent. This shift is primarily driven by Russia’s aggressive stance in its war against Ukraine, seeking to reassert its sphere of influence and rewrite the continent’s security order.

The fall of Communism in 1989 was viewed as a peaceful process, but it also marked a significant rupture in Russian national identity. Russia, historically an empire with a focus on national defense and territorial expansion, faced an existential crisis about its security and identity. This crisis has been weaponized by Vladimir Putin in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, citing the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a tragedy and Ukraine as an artificial state.

Furthermore, Serbia, with its historical struggle against foreign occupation and deep attachment to Kosovo, has also been emboldened by Russia’s neo-revisionism. NATO’s intervention in Kosovo in 1999 has fueled resentment in Serbia, leading to an irredentist political ideology called the Serbian World, aiming to unite Serbs wherever they live.

Both Russia and Serbia have turned towards China as key partners in countering American influence. The growing trade and investment ties between the countries have positioned Moscow and Belgrade as important allies for Beijing in its geostrategic competition with the United States. China’s acceptance of Russia’s actions in Ukraine has further shifted the balance of power in the region.

The resurgence of Russian nationalism, supported by China, poses the most significant threat to Europe since the Cold War. The West must adapt and respond to this new geopolitical reality by supporting Ukraine and reevaluating its approach to security in the face of neo-revisionism.

The strategic alliances and shifting allegiances in Eastern Europe call for a reexamination of European security policies to address the challenges posed by Russia, Serbia, and their allies. The implications of these developments are far-reaching, requiring a united and proactive response from European leaders to protect the continent’s stability and security in the face of this emerging threat.

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