North Ayrshire Divers Assist NBC Sports in Filming Open Teaser Video

North Ayrshire Divers Member Stars in NBC Sports Teaser Video for Open Championship

The North Ayrshire Divers group recently made waves by taking on a unique and unexpected role in a promotional video for NBC Sports America. The group, known for their underwater adventures, was approached by NBC to find a member willing to portray the legendary golfer Old Tom Morris for a teaser video leading up to the Open Championship at Royal Troon.

Phillip Ryan, a member of the North Ayrshire Divers, bravely stepped up to the challenge and donned the persona of Old Tom Morris for the video shoot. The video depicted Morris’s daily routine of taking a dip in the sea at Prestwick Beach, all in honor of the Open returning to Ayrshire and Morris’s pivotal role in its history.

The final product, shared by the North Ayrshire Divers on social media, received high praise for its creativity and entertainment value. The unexpected collaboration between a diving club and a sports network left many intrigued and impressed by the combining of two seemingly unrelated interests.

While the group typically showcases their underwater exploits on social media, this foray into acting for a major sports network added a new dimension to their online presence. Those interested in learning more about the North Ayrshire Divers can visit their Facebook page for a glimpse into their aquatic adventures, both real and theatrical.

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