Nicki Minaj Warns DJ Boof of Consequences for Signing Fan’s Breasts at Concert

Nicki Minaj threatens to fire her DJ for signing fans’ breasts at concert

Nicki Minaj has found herself in the midst of a new controversy after her tour DJ was caught signing the breasts of a female fan at a recent concert. The DJ, known as DJ Boof, shared a video on Instagram where he can be seen using a Sharpie to sign the fan’s chest, boasting, “I’m really famous. They asked me to sign their boobs.”

The fan, dressed in a vibrant pink dress, appeared delighted by the interaction. However, Nicki Minaj did not share the same sentiment. The rapper took to social media to express her anger, stating, “I promise I’ll fire him if I EVAHHHHH see this again. Df.”

In response to a fan’s comment suggesting the DJ was trying to emulate her, Nicki Minaj declared, “It’s clear to SEE boof wanna be ME.” This incident comes shortly after Nicki’s run-in with the law in Amsterdam, where she spent six hours in jail on drug-related charges.

Despite the backlash, Nicki Minaj made it clear that she felt unfairly targeted by authorities. She mentioned her luggage being taken without permission and attempts to prevent her from performing in Manchester. The rapper went on to thank her fans for their support and understanding, inviting them to join her at her hotel for an impromptu meet and greet.

Nicki Minaj’s fiery response to her DJ’s actions has certainly stirred up the entertainment world once again, proving that she is not one to be crossed. Stay tuned for more updates on this story and other news in the world of music and entertainment.

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