Meeting Between US National Security Adviser and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince to Discuss Progress on Security Deal: WGN Radio 720

$mapObjectsFields( Array , by ), Associated Press – Security Agreement Discussions with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince

In a significant development in the Middle East, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, held a meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss a wide-ranging security agreement between the two countries. The announcement by the state-run Saudi Press Agency described the meeting as focused on the “semi-final” version of the strategic deal.

The meeting comes in the aftermath of the recent conflict between Hamas and Israel, where Hamas’ attack led to a significant death toll and heightened tensions in the region. The security agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States had been jeopardized by the escalating violence in Gaza, with Saudi Arabia diplomatically recognizing Israel for the first time since its establishment in 1948.

The discussions between Sullivan and Prince Mohammed also touched upon the Palestinian issue, advocating for a two-state solution that fulfills the aspirations and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. The statement released after the meeting emphasized the importance of stopping the war in Gaza and facilitating humanitarian aid to the region.

The proposed security agreement reportedly includes access to advanced weapons, trade deals, and potential nuclear cooperation, raising concerns among experts about the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. Saudi Arabia has expressed intentions to pursue a nuclear weapon if Iran possesses one, highlighting the ongoing regional power dynamics and security risks.

In a parallel development, Iran confirmed holding indirect talks with U.S. officials in Oman, describing the negotiations as an “ongoing process.” The discussions in Oman, a historical site for U.S.-Iran talks, indicate the diplomatic efforts to address regional tensions and promote stability in the Middle East.

The outcomes of these high-level meetings and negotiations have the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East, with implications for regional security, nuclear proliferation, and diplomatic relations among key players in the region. The world eagerly awaits further updates on the progress of these crucial discussions.

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