Lori Borgman: We are the Fort Knox of [insert city name] – Grand Island Independent

Lori Borgman: Fort Knox has nothing on us – Grand Island Independent

In a recent interview with the Grand Island Independent, local resident Lori Borgman declared that her own home is more secure than Fort Knox. Borgman, a longtime resident of the community, jokingly boasted about the extensive security measures she has in place to protect her family and belongings.

“I’ve got cameras, alarms, and even a guard dog,” Borgman said with a smile. “Fort Knox has nothing on us.”

While Borgman’s claim may be slightly exaggerated, she does make a valid point about the importance of home security. With crime rates on the rise in many communities, it is more important than ever for homeowners to take steps to protect their property.

Borgman’s story serves as a reminder that even in small-town America, it is essential to be vigilant about home security. Whether it’s installing a security system, joining a neighborhood watch program, or simply locking doors and windows, there are a variety of ways that homeowners can ensure their safety and peace of mind.

So while Fort Knox may still hold the title of the most secure place on earth, Borgman and others like her are proving that with a little effort and diligence, home truly can be where the heart – and the security – is.

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