James McAvoy Opens Up About Disappointing Encounter with Celebrity Crush Jennifer Aniston

James McAvoy Opens Up About Awkward Encounter with Celebrity Crush Jennifer Aniston

In a recent interview with Us Weekly, actor James McAvoy revealed that meeting his celebrity crush, Jennifer Aniston, was not exactly the fairy-tale moment he had always imagined.

McAvoy, known for his roles in films such as “Split” and “X-Men: First Class,” admitted that he was left feeling underwhelmed after finally coming face-to-face with the “Friends” star.

“I met Jennifer Aniston once at a party, and it wasn’t great,” McAvoy confessed. “I had built her up in my head to be this amazing, perfect person, and when I met her, she was just like everyone else – a normal, nice person.”

The Scottish actor went on to explain that the encounter left him feeling disappointed, as he had always held Aniston in such high regard. Despite the less-than-ideal meeting, McAvoy admitted that he still has a soft spot for the actress.

“I still think she’s great, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that sometimes meeting your idols can be a bit anticlimactic,” he said.

Fans of both McAvoy and Aniston were quick to react to the actor’s candid admission, with many taking to social media to share their own experiences of meeting celebrities.

While McAvoy’s encounter with Aniston may not have lived up to his expectations, it seems that the actor has taken the moment in stride. As for Aniston, she has yet to comment on McAvoy’s revelation.

Despite the less-than-perfect meeting, it’s clear that James McAvoy still holds a special place in his heart for Jennifer Aniston, even if their initial meeting didn’t quite go as planned.

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