In November, a North Korean diplomat in Cuba defected to South Korea, potentially impacting leader Kim.

South Korea Spy Agency Reports North Korea Diplomat Defection from Cuba

In a daring move that has dealt a blow to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s regime, a senior North Korean diplomat based in Cuba has defected to South Korea. The National Intelligence Service confirmed on Tuesday that Ri Il Kyu, a counselor of political affairs in Cuba, fled to South Korea with his family in November.

According to reports, Ri cited disillusionment with North Korea’s political system, unfair treatment by the Foreign Ministry, and lack of medical treatment in Cuba due to international sanctions as reasons for his defection. This high-profile defection could have significant implications for North Korea, as its diplomatic standing is largely reliant on a few Cold War-era allies like Cuba.

Experts believe that Ri’s defection may encourage more high-level defections from North Korea, as the regime grapples with economic hardships and increased repression. While it is unlikely to lead to a regime collapse, it could further isolate Pyongyang and weaken Kim’s grip on power.

This is not the first high-profile defection from North Korea in recent years. In 2016, Tae Yongho, a minister at the North Korean Embassy in London, fled to South Korea, citing despair over Kim’s actions. In 2019, North Korea’s ambassadors to Italy and Kuwait also defected to South Korea.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have escalated in recent months, with North Korea conducting missile tests and launching balloons towards South Korea. Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, has issued warnings of “gruesome” consequences in response to South Korean activities. South Korea has suspended a tension-reduction deal with North Korea in light of these provocations.

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