First body recovered from 2 buses swept away by landslide into river in Nepal

Rescuers in Nepal Recover First Body from Buses Swept Away by Landslide

The devastating aftermath of a landslide in Nepal has led to the recovery of the first body from two buses that were swept away and submerged into a raging river. This tragic incident occurred due to heavy monsoon downpours in the region.

Authorities in Nepal are working tirelessly to locate the missing buses and passengers after the landslide pushed them off the highway into the Trishuli river. The difficult search operation has been hampered by the swollen and murky brown waters of the river.

Rescuers found the body of a man about 50 kilometers away from the site of the landslide. They are now working on identifying the victim using a bank card that was recovered with the body. The improved weather conditions on Saturday have allowed search teams to cover more ground in their efforts to locate the missing individuals.

The fast-flowing rivers in Nepal, coupled with heavy monsoon rains, pose a significant challenge in search and rescue operations. The government has imposed restrictions on night travel for passenger buses in areas with weather warnings to prevent further tragedies.

The recovery efforts continue as soldiers and police teams deploy rubber rafts, divers, and sensor equipment in the hopes of finding the missing buses and passengers. The nation mourns the loss of those affected by this natural disaster and stands in solidarity with the families of the victims.

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