Death of a Student Associated with International Ring

International Suicide Ring Linked to Death of Dunedin Student and Other New Zealanders

An International Suicide Ring Linked to Deaths of New Zealanders

The tragic death of an 18-year-old non-binary student from Dunedin has been linked to an international suicide ring operated by a man dubbed “the merchant of death”. Crow Grant, who moved from Whangarei to study at the University of Otago, was found dead in their residential college room on April 22 last year.

Investigations revealed that Crow Grant had ordered a package from a website associated with Kenneth Law, a Canadian accused of facilitating suicides by providing materials and hosting forums for those considering taking their own lives. Law is currently facing multiple charges in Canada, including first-degree murder and aiding suicide.

Crow Grant’s family expressed shock at their death, stating that the student had hidden their struggles and declined offers of help in the days leading up to the tragedy. Despite appearing “quite normal” to others, Crow Grant had trouble sleeping before their death. The coroner determined that Crow Grant died by suicide, but the exact trigger for their decision remains unclear.

This devastating case is not isolated, as three other New Zealanders have also been connected to suicides involving materials obtained from Law’s websites. The authorities are working to block access to these harmful platforms and reduce the risk posed to vulnerable individuals.

The news of this international suicide ring and its impact on New Zealanders highlights the complex challenges surrounding mental health and suicide prevention. As the trial against Kenneth Law unfolds and efforts are made to address the dangers posed by online platforms promoting suicide, it is a stark reminder of the importance of supporting those in need and combating harmful influences in our society.

For further information, please contact, PIJF court reporter.

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