Davey claims Cambridgeshire voters are shifting their support to the Liberal Democrats

Lib Dem Campaigners Target Key Seats in Cambridgeshire for General Election

The Liberal Democrats are gearing up for the general election on July 4th, with a specific focus on winning seats in Cambridgeshire. Party leader Sir Ed Davey expressed his confidence in making gains in the region during a recent visit to South Cambridgeshire.

The party unveiled their election battle bus, Yellow Hammer 1, which will tour the country during the campaign. South Cambridgeshire is their top target seat, where the Conservatives have won by a slim margin under the old boundaries.

Sir Ed highlighted the importance of voting Liberal Democrat in order to remove the Tories from power in the area. He mentioned that lifelong Conservatives are switching to support the Lib Dems, indicating a shifting political landscape in Cambridgeshire.

The party also has hopes of taking seats in Ely, East Cambridgeshire, and St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire. Campaign issues such as the NHS, the economy, and the environment are top priorities for the party.

The Liberal Democrats are aiming to break through the “blue wall” of traditional Conservative seats in the region. They are feeling confident, especially in areas where they have local councillors and where demographics are changing due to new housing developments.

However, there is competition from Labour in these traditionally Tory areas, which could potentially squeeze the Lib Dems in the election. The party will need to convince voters that they are a distinctive alternative in order to secure victories in Cambridgeshire.

Sir Ed emphasized the party’s commitment to addressing climate change and implementing holistic plans for infrastructure and housing development. He also mentioned the dedication of future local MPs to work a seven-day week, despite some staff at the Lib Dem-led South Cambridgeshire District Council trialling a four-day working week.

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