Controversy arises as ‘Pronatalist’ leader faces backlash for smacking 2-year-old son during newspaper interview

US News: Controversy Surrounds Pronatalist Leader After Slapping Son During Interview

“Controversy Erupts as Pronatalist Leader Slaps Toddler During Interview”

The leader of the “pronatalist” movement, Malcolm Collins, is facing backlash after video footage surfaced of him slapping his 2-year-old son during a news interview. The movement, supported by tech billionaires like Elon Musk and Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, advocates for large families to combat population decline.

In the interview conducted by Guardian journalist Jenny Kleeman, Collins defended his actions, stating that the slap was a form of corporal punishment used in potentially dangerous situations. He emphasized that the family’s “bopping system” is a personal decision and not recommended for every parent.

The incident has sparked outrage online, with critics condemning Collins and his wife, Simone, for their parenting approach. Despite the backlash, the couple remains firm in their belief that corporal punishment, when used appropriately, is essential for teaching children resilience and safety.

Simone Collins dismissed the online criticism, attributing it to a lack of understanding and experience in raising multiple children. The couple, who are expecting their fourth child, plan on having at least seven children as part of their commitment to the pronatalist movement.

While the video has stirred controversy, Malcolm Collins sees it as an opportunity to educate others on when corporal punishment is warranted in their family. The couple’s unconventional parenting style may be divisive, but they are determined to raise their children with psychological resilience in an age of fragility.

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