China is increasing its retirement age, currently one of the lowest among major economies worldwide – 90.5 WESA

China Increases Retirement Age to Address Aging Population Issue: 90.5 WESA

China has recently announced a significant change in its retirement age policy, making it among the lowest in the world’s major economies. The decision comes as the country grapples with an aging population and shrinking workforce.

Previously, the retirement age in China was set at 60 for men and 55 for women in most urban areas. However, the new policy will gradually increase the retirement age to 65 for both men and women, bringing it more in line with global standards.

This move is seen as a necessary step to address the challenges posed by China’s rapidly aging population. By raising the retirement age, the government hopes to encourage older workers to stay in the workforce longer, thereby boosting productivity and easing the burden on the country’s social security system.

The decision has sparked mixed reactions among the Chinese population, with some welcoming the change as a necessary adjustment to the country’s demographic challenges, while others express concerns about the potential impact on job opportunities for younger workers.

Overall, the decision to raise the retirement age in China reflects the country’s commitment to addressing the economic and social challenges posed by an aging population. It remains to be seen how this policy change will shape the future of China’s workforce and economy.

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