New Public Poll Reveals Strong Desire for Tech and Media Reform Ahead of U.S. Elections

Public Attitudes about Media and Technology in an Election Year: 2024 Poll Findings and Analysis

A new survey released by Free Press has shed light on Americans’ growing concerns about the state of media and technology in an election year. The comprehensive poll, conducted by respected pollsters at the African American Research Collaborative and BSP Research, sought to understand public attitudes towards the media system’s ability to meet the civic needs of a functioning democracy.

One key finding from the survey is that a majority of Americans believe the current media system is failing to provide reliable and trustworthy information on local, national, and global affairs. Concerns about privacy and the deliberate spread of online misinformation ahead of the 2024 election are also highlighted in the results.

The poll revealed that people across the political and racial spectrum are highly concerned about the deliberate spread of online misinformation, with 79 percent of respondents worried that the information they are seeing is false or fake. Additionally, there are significant worries about the lack of sufficient local-news coverage, particularly when it comes to being informed about local candidates during elections.

Interestingly, the survey found that a majority of respondents agree on the importance of having more independent news outlets to combat disinformation and promote a healthy democracy. There is also widespread support for increasing funding opportunities to ensure diversity in who owns and operates independent news sources, particularly among people of color.

Furthermore, the survey indicates that a majority of Americans believe it is acceptable for tech companies to prevent the distribution of political ads that violate terms of use against the spread of false information. There is also strong support for platforms to block content that is considered racist or hateful.

Overall, the survey highlights the need for reform in the media and tech sectors to address concerns around privacy, access to reliable information, and the cost of internet access. Free Press Co-CEO Jessica J. González emphasized the importance of coming together to create a just and inclusive media and tech ecosystem that supports a multiracial democracy.

The pollsters conducted the survey by sampling 3,000 American adults, oversampling Black, Latino, and AAPI populations to provide a detailed analysis of the impact of old and new communications technology on people of color. The findings underscore the urgent need to address the challenges facing the media and tech sectors to ensure a more informed and inclusive society.

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