Riding a Bike May Aid in Preventing Knee Arthritis

Study Finds Regular Biking May Reduce Risk of Knee Arthritis

The Benefits of Biking: New Study Shows Lower Risk of Knee Arthritis

In a new study, researchers have found that people who regularly ride bikes throughout their lives are less likely to develop knee arthritis. The study, which included over 2,600 participants aged 45 to 79, found that bicyclists were 17% less likely to experience knee pain and 21% less likely to have symptoms of knee arthritis compared to those who had never biked.

Lead researcher Dr. Grace Lo, an associate professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, noted that individuals who had biked consistently throughout their lives had a lower risk of knee arthritis than those who had only biked at certain points in their lives. The study also found that each increase in the number of age periods engaged in bicycling resulted in a lower likelihood of reporting knee pain and knee arthritis symptoms.

Regular physical activity is often recommended by doctors to prevent knee arthritis, and this study suggests that biking may be particularly effective in maintaining knee health. The participants in the study were asked about their biking activities during different age periods, from 12 to 18 years old to 50 years and older, including both outdoor biking and riding stationary bikes indoors.

Overall, the study highlights the potential benefits of biking for knee health and suggests that individuals concerned about knee pain and arthritis later in life may benefit from incorporating biking into their regular exercise routine. The findings provide important insights into the role of physical activity in preventing knee arthritis.

For more information on knee arthritis and maintaining knee health, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons offers resources and guidance. The study was published in a news release from Baylor College of Medicine on May 13, 2024.

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