Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations: ‘Hezbollah is breaching international law and we will not tolerate their continued attacks’ – The Jerusalem Post

Israel’s UN envoy: Hezbollah violating international law, won’t allow their attacks to continue – The Jerusalem Post

Israel’s UN envoy, Danny Danon, has spoken out against Hezbollah’s ongoing attacks, accusing the militant group of violating international law. In a statement to the United Nations Security Council, Danon expressed Israel’s determination to prevent further attacks from Hezbollah.

“Hezbollah’s actions are a clear violation of international law and pose a direct threat to the security and stability of the region,” Danon stated. “We will not stand idly by and allow their attacks to continue unchecked.”

Danon’s remarks come in the wake of escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, with the militant group launching a series of attacks on Israeli targets in recent weeks. Israel has responded with airstrikes targeting Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon.

The UN envoy’s strong stance against Hezbollah is likely to further strain relations between Israel and the militant group, which has long been a thorn in Israel’s side. However, Danon’s message is clear: Israel will not tolerate any further aggression from Hezbollah.

The international community will be closely watching the situation unfold, as tensions continue to rise in the volatile region. Israel’s UN envoy has made it clear that Hezbollah’s actions will not go unpunished, and the world will be waiting to see how Israel responds to the ongoing threat.

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