Can US sanctions impact Pakistan’s missile program? – Al Jazeera English

Impact of US sanctions on Pakistan’s missiles programme: Analysis by Al Jazeera English

As tensions between the United States and Pakistan continue to escalate, the question on everyone’s mind is whether US sanctions will have any impact on Pakistan’s missiles programme.

Pakistan has been developing its missiles programme for years, with the goal of maintaining a strong defense against its regional adversaries. The country’s arsenal includes a range of missiles, from short-range tactical weapons to long-range ballistic missiles capable of reaching targets thousands of kilometers away.

The US recently imposed sanctions on Pakistan for its alleged support of terrorist groups, including the Taliban and Haqqani network. These sanctions could potentially disrupt Pakistan’s ability to procure necessary materials and technology for its missiles programme.

However, experts are divided on the potential impact of these sanctions. Some believe that Pakistan has developed enough indigenous capabilities to sustain its missiles programme despite any restrictions on imports. Others argue that the sanctions could slow down Pakistan’s progress and force the country to seek alternative sources for materials and technology.

In response to the sanctions, Pakistan has reaffirmed its commitment to its missiles programme, stating that it will not be deterred by external pressures. The country’s military officials have emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong defense posture in the face of increasing regional tensions.

As the situation continues to unfold, the world will be watching closely to see how US sanctions affect Pakistan’s missiles programme and whether the country will be able to overcome any challenges that may arise.

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